Do you know that one serving of Wholegrain LaMian is equivalent to your daily intake of wholegrain?*
With noodles made with 51% superfine wholegrain flour, Curry Wholegrain LaMian brings delight to curry lovers who are seeking a higher nutrition value. Boasting a sumptuous blend of herbs and spices, enjoy the robust spicy goodness of our Curry Wholegrain LaMian, without the guilt!
*Based on adult daily requirement of 50g wholegrain
Wholegrain Noodle / Wholegrain LaMian
A) Curry Paste and (B) Curry Premix
500 mlWater
- 1. Add (A) Curry Paste
- 2. and then (B) Curry Premix into 500 ml of water.
- 3. Mix well and bring to boil.
- 4. Put wholegrain noodles into the boiling Curry soup.
- 5. Lower heat and boil for 7 mins.
- 6. Curry Wholegrain LaMian is ready to serve.
Wholegrain Noodle / Wholegrain LaMian
(A) Curry Paste and (B) Curry Premix
500 mlWater (for cooking Wholegrain LaMian)
200 mlWater (for cooking curry soup)
- 1. In a pot, add 500 ml of water and bring to boil.
- 2. Put wholegrain noodles into the boiling water and cook for 7 mins on medium heat.
- 3. While the wholegrain noodles are cooking, at the 5th min, add (A) Curry Paste into a separate pot and stir-fry for 10 secs or till fragrant.
- 4. Then, add 200 ml water and (B) Curry Premix. Mix well and bring to boil.
- 5. After the wholegrain noodles have cooked for 7 mins, drain away the water and transfer to a bowl.
- 6. Pour hot curry soup over.
- 7. Curry Wholegrain LaMian is ready to serve.
Wholegrain Noodle / Wholegrain LaMian
(A) Curry Paste and (B) Curry Premix
500 mlWater (for cooking Wholegrain LaMian)
260 mlWater (for cooking chicken and potatoes)
180 g (approx. 3-4 cm cubes)Chicken, chopped, bone-in
60 g (approx. 2 cm cubes)Potatoes, cut into chunks
1 noHard-boiled egg, sliced
15 gBean sprouts
1 pcFried bean curd (tau pok)
- 1. In a pot, add 260 ml of water and bring to boil.
- 2. Add chicken and potatoes, stir well and bring to boil.
- 3. Adjust to medium heat and cook for 10 mins.
- 4. While the chicken and potatoes are simmering, at the 4th min, add 500 ml of water into a separate pot and bring to boil.
- 5. Put wholegrain noodles into the boiling water and cook for 7 mins on medium heat.
- 6. After the chicken and potatoes have cooked for 10 mins, transfer the cooked chicken, potatoes and chicken stock into a bowl, set aside.
- 7. Using the same pot, add (A) Curry Paste and stir-fry for 10 secs on medium heat or till fragrant.
- 8. Add chicken stock and (B) Curry Premix, mix well.
- 9. Then, add cooked chicken and potatoes and bring to boil.
- 10. Add bean sprouts and fried bean curd (tau pok). If using whole hard-boiled egg, add during this step too.
- 11. When the wholegrain noodles have cooked for 7 mins, drain away the water and transfer to bowl.
- 12. Once the curry soup starts boiling, turn off heat.
- 13. Add in chicken, potatoes and hot curry soup into the bowl of noodles.
- 14. Add sliced hard-boiled egg and Curry Wholegrain LaMian is ready to serve.
全麦面 / 全麦拉面
(A) 咖喱糊 / Curry Paste及(B) 咖喱调配粉/ Curry Premix
Steps 烹煮法
- 1. 在一个锅中加入260毫升水并煮沸。
- 2. 加入鸡肉和马铃薯,搅拌均匀并煮沸。
- 3. 继续以中火煮10分钟。
- 4. 将鸡肉和马铃薯焖煮4分钟后, 往另一个锅中加入500毫升水并煮沸。
- 5. 将全麦面条放入沸水中,以中火煮7分钟。
- 6. 鸡肉和马铃薯烹煮了10分钟后,将煮熟的鸡肉、马铃薯和鸡汤倒入碗中,备用。
- 7. 用同一个锅,加入(A)咖喱糊并煸炒10秒钟或炒出香味为止。
- 8. 加入鸡汤
- 9. 和(B)咖喱调配粉,搅拌均匀。
- 10. 然后,加入煮熟的鸡肉和马铃薯,然后煮沸。
- 11. 加入豆芽和豆腐乾(豆薄)。(如果使用整粒的熟蛋,也在该步骤中加入)。
- 12. 全麦面条烹煮了7分钟后,沥干水分后,盛入碗中。
- 13. 当咖喱汤开始沸腾,关火。
- 14. 将鸡肉、马铃薯和热咖喱汤都倒入装有面条的碗中。
- 15. 加入切成片的熟蛋,
- 16. 咖喱全麦拉面即可上桌。