Sweet and savoury peanut-based kebab. The traditional Singpaore Satay features juicy meat chunks threaded on bamboo skewers and grilled to fragrant perfection. Served with a distinctive crunchy peanut-based dip.
Ingredients for Preparation:
1 pktSatay Marinade **
350gChicken Thigh, boneless (You may use pork, mutton or beef)
For Step 1:
24 pcsStainless Steel Skewers / Bamboo Skewers
Ingredients for Step 2:
As desiredVegetable Oil / Peanut Oil for a more fragrant taste
Ingredients for Step 3:
1 pktSatay Sauce Mix **
25mlVegetable Oil
Ingredients for Step 4:
1 pktSatay Peanut Paste **
Ingredients for Step 6:
As desiredKetupat (Compressed Rice Cakes) (Optional)
As desiredRed onion, sliced (Optional)
As desiredCucumber, sliced (Optional)
** Included in Prima Taste pack
- 1. Slice chicken. Each piece should be approx. 3.5cm by 0.5cm by 0.5cm thick.
- 2. Marinate chicken with Satay Marinade.
- 3. Leave in the chiller for at least 6 hrs.
- 1. To prevent burning during grilling, soak the satay sticks in water for 30 mins before use. Thread meat onto stick. Each satay should weigh approx. 15g. Flatten meat with the back of a spoon for quicker and more even cooking.
- 2. Brush satay with vegetable oil and grill till cooked.
- 3. Pour Satay Sauce Mix and water into a pot. Stir on low heat till almost boiling.
- 4. Add vegetable oil and mix well.
- 5. When gravy is boiling, add Satay Peanut Paste and mix well.
- 6. When a layer of oil forms on top of gravy, turn off heat. Serve Singapore Satay with satay gravy, cucumber, red onions and Ketupat.